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Character Education

Character Education at NPMS


what is character ed


Character education at NPMS includes a broad range of educational approaches such as service-learning, social-emotional learning, and civic education. The goal of character education is to help young people become responsible, caring, and contributing citizens. Staff, students, parents, and community members come together to help students learn to be their best selves. 

Some highlights of the program include:

  • Student of Character Monthly Recognition
  • Team Building Activities
  • Motivational Speakers
  • Wall of Kindness
  • Crafted pillows for the pediatric center of a hospital
  • Police K9 - Assembly
  • Anti-Stress Techniques 
  • Toys for Tots Fundraiser
  • Pennies for Patients - Leukemia and Lymphoma Society Fundraiser
  • Red Ribbon Week Dance
  • Relay for Life - American Cancer Society Fundraiser
  • Holiday baking for the Veterans 
  • Leaving anonymous notes of positivity for classmates